Sunday, June 27, 2010

Glass that looks like fabric

Recently, an artist friend of fused glass artist Heidi VanderWerff challenged her to try to make glass look like fabric.  Well, Heidi is the type whose wheels start turning as soon as someone makes such a suggestion!  She mulled it over, had unusual dreams about it, and tried out many possible scenarios.

First, there's the problem of making something look woven.  In fabric, thousands of tiny threads are woven in and out of each other to create what we know as fabric.  How to do that with glass?  It's not flexible like thread is.  On the other hand, there are skinny, thread-like rods of glass available.  What would it look like to lay a bunch of them next to each other, and then again cross-wise?  Hmmmm....

More testing with solid colors and transparent colors to get the best look, and what do you know, but a flat piece finally emerged from the kiln that looked woven!  Unfortunately, it also looked stiff.  And fabric certainly doesn't look stiff.  How to make it drape, like fabric drapes?  Hmmmm.....

More testing with various shapes and molds, and finally, there emerged from the kiln these two wonderful, shapely, draped results!  One works great as a candle holder, as the light passes through the transparent parts of the glass, it glows in the most wonderful way.  The other is a tray that could be used to hold food, as it is indeed, solid, even if it looks like there are open spaces in between the "threads."  Or place it on an easel in front of a window, and enjoy how the light goes through it!

And now, for the final test.  What do other people say about it?  That question was answered just a few days ago when a lovely 5th grader came in to enjoy the glass.  She said, "Wow, is that glass?  It looks like fabric!" So I got to tell the story of how an artist friend of Heidi's challenged her to make glass look like fabric, and presto!  Here are the results!

Great work, Heidi!  We can't wait to see the results of your next challenge!


1 comment:

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