Sunday, August 1, 2010

Getting the color right

What do you do when you lose faith in your own judgment of yourself due to long-term put-downs?  Well, you do what most anyone would do.  You start shopping for those things that attract the least amount of attention to yourself as possible.  After all, choose something that speaks to your heart, and you are guaranteed a barrage of negative comments enough to make someone want to hole up in a cave for a bit longer than a hibernation season.

That's what had happened to a delightful customer visiting from Illinois.  Debbie M. has endured many years of having her creative juices squelched.  And squelched hard.  As we spoke about it further, more and more examples were brought to Debbie's mind about how so many aspects of her life had squelched what had been a vibrantly creative mind as a child.

She desperately wanted help learning how to choose clothing and jewelry that would be attractive and fun.  She came in dressed in a white top with a black cami, a tan skirt, and tan thongs.  It turns out that her coloring is far more suited to warm tones like coral, mossy greens, turquoise, warm browns and such.  The white washed out her skin completely.  Her silver jewelry dampened the lovely peach-tones of her skin too.

We played around with a variety of things - especially those with gold-tone metals in colors that complimented her skin tone.  The best part of all was that as soon as we put those colors next to her skin, she herself could immediately see how much better the colors worked!  She'd just been told so many times that she made bad choices, that she didn't trust her judgment anymore!  Well today, she learned how to trust herself all over again.  And she went home with some lovely new jewelry to prove it to herself!  Check it out!

What colors look best on you?  Not sure?  Come on in and let's play a bit!

Manya Vee