Saturday, January 1, 2011

What art means to me

Where does an artist get inspiration?  While it takes on the expression of the individual artist, both nature and meaning are most commonly cited.  I read lots of pieces about artists and their inspirations, and nearly always find new insights for myself too.

My inspiration for the choices I make regarding what to offer our customers at Manya Vee Selects is closely related to meaning.  We believe that surrounding yourself with art exerts a powerful influence on a person's life in a very positive way.  We also believe that merely "surrounding yourself" isn't enough.  One should physically engage with and actually USE art.  Wear it.  Dine on it.  Drink out of it.  Put flowers in it.  Put candles in it.  And so on.

By engaging with art in as many ways as possible throughout the day, you are viscerally reminded of the beauty around you, and that an artist took great time, thought and energy to put beauty and meaning into it.

Here's a personal example.  When I'm working at the gallery, I don't get to close for lunch.  Instead, I bring lunch from home in a trusty Tupperware container.  I could simply toss that container into the microwave and eat out of it.  But I prefer to transfer the contents into a hand-painted glass bowl by Nancy Fiala!  That simple step reminds me to slow down and really enjoy my food.  It also honors the food I carefully prepared.  Finally, it honors my own self: I'm worth the special dish.  This daily act, simple though it may appear, affects other areas of my life too.  It takes me out of my own head and reminds me to notice other beautiful things around me for the rest of the day.

TV, newspapers, magazines and movies all spend lots of time surrounding us with doom and despair.  I hear from many people who are inevitably affected by that, who grow more and more cynical and closed off from the world around them.  Their focus on the negative closes their eyes to the beauty around them.  These people feel it's right and fitting to eat lunch out of their Tupperware because it reflects their world view.  Just hurry and get it over with.

Don't let that happen to you.  After all, it is all about choice.  You get to choose what you surround yourself with.  What you surround yourself with affects your perspective.  So for 2011, what will your choices be?