Monday, July 19, 2010

From neophyte to expert in 2 hours!

Elaine and Nancy were drawn into the store by the scarves in our window display.  They mournfully walked up to our scarf rack and said "We love scarves, but we never know how to wear them."  As you can imagine, that is like a sparkly thing to a crow for this seller of wearable art!

First, I showed them how to do the twist (something I've taught many of you as well!).  Naturally, they had to follow the rule and be able to do it on their own at least twice before they were allowed to leave the store.  They took to it like a fish to water!  Both were experts at it in no time.

Next, I introduced them to the Scarf Toy Shelf.  You know, there's an entire store devoted to car toys.  Well, we have a shelf devoted to Scarf Toys.  These toys include notKnots, Scarf Rings, and magnetic pins.  All create a very different look with the very same scarf, offering a multitude of fun options.

Their minds were spinning out of control with so much scarf potential at their fingertips!  Other customers came in demanding my time, while Elaine and Nancy stayed in the scarf zone playing and playing.  In between customers, I'd pop on over and show them something new.  Then they'd be off and running trying that out, and having a very good time.

Their laughter and fun drew other customers over to watch, and low and behold, they were teaching them how to wear the very scarves they themselves didn't know how to wear mere moments before.  They even demanded be able to do each style at least twice on their own before leaving the store!  It was such a hoot!

After about an hour or so, they were actually inventing their own variations to the few things I showed them.  Proud as punch with their new inventions, they made sure I got to see each one.

Naturally, each one went home with a new scarf and some scarf toys, ready to take on the world with their new-found love of scarves.

Manya Vee

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I'm a HUGE lover of scarves - well, moreso when I was living in New Zealand where its famously chilly. I have a large selection of scarves and would love to own a scarf rack like the picture you have on the top of your post. Can you tell me where I might buy one? Lovely scarves, by the way!!
